Saturday, December 03, 2005


It started snowing on Thursday afternoon. We get this really wet, heavy snow in the Pacific Northwest. I'm used to Southwestern snow, which is dry and light.

Since Friday morning, Flof has been wanting to go romp in the stuff like every hour. So, I get my jeans on, lace up my Doc's, put on my winter coat, scarf, and gloves, and we head out.

We have a fabulous time romping in the snow. It's like we're both 5 and the first time we've ever seen the stuff.

We're usually out for about 20 - 30 minutes, and seriously, we go out like every hour. He'll say to me, "M'awwwmmm, it's time to go out and romp in the snow right now," and we'll go.

Sometimes, though, I'll let him stay on the deck, but then he gets pissed off because he's not out romping. He's a little spoiled, and ends up talking me into taking him romping.

One time, when we lived in the Southwest, we were running in knee-deep snow, down a hill, and we were both much younger and faster then. So, we're running, and I hear Zel yell, "Don't let go of that dog!" Flof was picking up speed, and I couldn't keep up, and he pulled me down, face first, into the snow. I had snow between my glasses and my face. It was quite funny. But, I didn't let go of that dog. I held on.

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