Saturday, December 03, 2005

News Alert!

Shania Twain has joined the ranks of super-stars that have decided to name a perfume after themselves.

I just wanted everyone to sleep better tonight.

I didn't actually hear anything about this. I only saw Shania on some talk show.

I was at the gym, getting my ass kicked on the eliptical trainer. The televisions were on, but the sound was down. Apparently, the members working out today decided to follow the directions that the volume is not to be turned up.

I think Shania was talking to Sally Jessy, but I'm not really sure because the last time I saw Sally Jessy, she had on these obnoxiously large red glasses and short red hair. The lady Shania was talking with had on significantly smaller glasses and longer, not so red hair. And in front of Shania and Sally, there were these pink boxes on the table, and they said Shania in some fancy-pants font. And, of course, the bottles of perfume.

On the other television, Oprah was talking about something equally and also incredibly important: My teen daughter is a lesbian.

How did we all survive before people like J. Ho, Britney, Paris, Squeek the Dolphin (a.k.a. Celine Dion) and others had their own perfumes?

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