Saturday, December 10, 2005

Name, please

I just finished this quilt for our bed. It measures about 95" wide by 105" long. It's the biggest thing I've done to date. I started working on this in July, 2005, and just finished it last night. Yes, it took a while, but it's a fun hobby for me.

In quilting, it is custom to name the quilt. For example, this one is called, "To Zel's Health" (45" x 45"). It was my first quilt, and when I started to learn how to make quilts (took a class at our local community college), Zel was really sick. In the hospital for 17 days with a staph infection in his heart. Because this is my first quilt, and we were going through a rather tumultuous time, and when I started Zel was still in the hospital, and when I finshed four months later, he was feeling significantly better, that's how that quilt got its name.

In my second quilting class, I made this one, which is called "Letting Go" because we were given the tasks involved in the quilt one step at a time. So, week one, we were told to cut so many right angle triangles that were a certain size and so many that were this other size. Week two, we were told to sew these triangles to these other triangles, and so on. And, we basically had no idea what the quilt was going to look like, so I had to let go of that control. My type A personality struggled with this, but it all came out in the end.

So, I'm asking you, my 3 dedicated readers, to vote for what the quilt for our bed should be called.

A) Kaos (as in Amelia Kaos, Superhero/Porn-Star)
B) 3176 (because there are 3,176 triangles in that quilt. I'm not just kidding here.)
C) __________________ (write in your own suggestion; don't be shy!).

And, there's Evie's quilt, which I called "Red Hott", because she is! (Please note the red hot chili peppers on the back).

And My Little Brother's quilt, which is flannel, and I called "Autumn in the Pacific Northwest", because I wanted him to see the same colors I do. I gave this to him for his 20th birthday/Christmas last year.

Thank you all for your time and consideration of my request. I really appreciate your input!


Amelia said...

Cause Zel and I are gonna love each other for all infinity? (gag me!)

Hey--does the quilt look African to you? I figured you'd know cause you're the African Queen.

t2ed said...

Hmm, as it's the biggest thing you've ever done, I'd go with King Kong.

That may be a bit too trendy right now with the movie just out and all. You could always go with Gi-gan-tor. And you always have to say it that way too.

Amelia said...

Thanks, cause this beeyatch I work with said it looked African.

re: Infinity...where'd that come from?

Amelia said...

Thanks for the suggestion. But, King Kong is what I call Zel's dick, so I'm not sure it'll work for the quilt. That, and I just started another quilt for our bed. Do you have any other suggestions?

Amelia said...

Infinity it is. I had a Name that Quilt contest at work, and the best choice that came from that group was "Conspiracy Theory." But, I have another quilt in mind for that name. I'll be sure to update the blog as soon as I'm done with it, which should be soon.