Saturday, December 24, 2005

House down the road

There's this house about a mile down the road from us. Every year, the day after Thanksgiving, the owners decorate it for Chirstmas.

Every year, the owners seem to add something, usually a big blow up character, to the ensamble of characters. This year, they added one of those really big snow globes (on the left).

When I'm on my way home, I can see this house from over a mile away. I'm not kidding.

I'm glad he does this, and it's kind of cool. But when I think about the amount of money he's spent on decorations, not to mention the electric bill.... That's a lot of money. Money that can go into other things like hleping homeless people in our community or providing food for animals at the humane society. But whatever.

We shouldn't judge other people's money. We should be thankful that for a bit longer in our country, we have the autonomy to spend our money as we see fit.

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