Saturday, June 17, 2006

Travel Agent: Update

The travel agent I’ve been making an effort to work with replied to my email. She said, “I think I finally figured out your email and I emailed you the information on your brother’s flight. Did you get it?”

I replied, “I did not receive any information from you via email regarding my brother's trip. Will you please resend it to this email address? Thank you for your time.” This was on Wednesday.

On Friday, she forwarded me the email she had sent to some other Amelia Kaos. When I originally gave her my email address, I spelled both my first and last names for her; she misspelled my first name. Also, I specifically said “underscore” and not “hyphen”.

What should scare us is that she's a trained professional.

From her email, the cost of the roundtrip ticket for my Little Brother to come up is $615. Ouch. Especially considering that on the phone on Monday, she said $500, which was high but doable. Not sure where the extra $115 is coming in.

And that’s for one of the lower-end airlines. For that price, the ride better be direct from his town to my town, and come with strippers and blow jobs.

I've decided that travel agents are a special breed. I considered calling travel agents “Timmy Agents”. But then I decided it would be an insult to Timmy.


Unknown said...

Let me know if you find the strippe/blow job airline. When you do, I'm there. I'm so there.

t2ed said...

I thought the stripper/blow job airline was Hooters Air. But they're already defunct.

And as Northworst is in bankruptcy, it's something the court should think about mandating.

Amelia said...

Boys, I think we're on our way to our first $10,000,000.