Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Comment of the Day

One of my homegirls, who lives in the Desert Southwest, called.

Wanted to see how the pregnancy was coming; she said felt horrible for not being in contact, blah blah blah.

I told her to not even worry about it…we’re all busy with life…life happens…blah blah blah.

She asked if we’d come up with a name yet.

“No, not yet,” I said. Which is the God’s honest truth. (Does saying “God’s honest truth” make it more truthful as opposed to simply, “the honest truth”? But I digress).

“Why not?” she asked.

“Well,” I said, “picking a name is pretty challenging. And, because we have a common last name, we want to name the baby something that’s not quite so common.”

“Yeah,” she said. “I understand. I mean, I’ve had a hard time picking a name for a puppy.”


Unknown said...

That's excellent!

Amelia said...

This is what I'm sayin, Bill and Ted.... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh you guys. I have a feeling I know who said that.

Amelia said...

Yes, my dear, you do know this person.