Sunday, June 04, 2006

Not Making This Up

The following is an excerpt from my local news station's web site. Don't forget that I live in a small town, where a single vehicle accident is big news.

"The truck came to rest less than 20-feet from a small beauty salon. Women in that building two deputies they thought the pickup was coming right into the building."

Perhaps they should consider hiring a proof reader. I'm happy to do that for them if they'll pay me.


Anonymous said...

Oh Jesus, you guys. My dad's ashes just spun around in their little box-thingy.

Amelia said...

Box-thingy = Urn. Bless your heart, you guys.

Anonymous said...

No, he's not in his urn yet. Just a box-thingy from the mortuary. He won't go in his urn until we inurn him the church. We didn't buy an urn from the mortuary, so they just gave us a temporary box.

Amelia said...

Is that a standard thing? I'm just trying to learn.

Anonymous said...

No dude, you can buy the urn from the mortuary if you want, but my dad would have burst into flame all on his own if he had seen the price of what they wanted. Plus, the church urns are sized to fit into the wall-niche my parents bought in the church garden. So really, we went with the right size and the best price, much like shoe shopping.