Monday, January 02, 2006

Congratulations, everyone!

To those of you who have recently made it through the 2-month Holiday Season, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

This is very exciting, because you probably had to endure such questions as:

"Are you ready for Halloween?"
"How was your Halloween?"

"Are you ready for Thanksgiving?"
"How was your Thanksgiving?"

"Are you ready for Christmas?"
"How was your Christmas?"

"What are you doing for New Year's Eve?"
"How was your New Year's Eve?"

Zel and I didn't get too many Halloween questions, since we don't have children.

Thanksgiving was nice and quiet. The Girls came over and we ate and watched "Grease" since they love Stockard Channing.

Christmas day, we didn't exchange gifts. We sat around and watched football (simply because it was Sunday. If Christmas was on any other day, we would've watched movies all day.) Our relationship has evolved to this. It takes a lot of stress off of both of us. We both had last week off and traveled just over an hour to the closest shopping mecca. We bought an iPod, so I didn't have to listen to the "How was your _________?" questions at the gym.

New Year's Eve, we watched and listened as our next-door neighbors try to burn down the forest with the hundreds of dollars worth of fireworks. These explosions lit up our entire living room and surrounding forrest while we were watching "May". These explosions also shook the walls and windows of our home. Lovely. They're selling their house, but their asking for people's souls too, so it may be a while before the house sells.

At any rate, congratulations to everyone for making it through the questions of the holidays!

This year at work, just to be different, I wished people a Happy Solstice and passed out chocolate chip cookies on 12/21, the first day of Winter. The Solstices are kind of a big thing in the Pacific Northwest, especially the Winter one because the very next day, the sun rises earlier and sets later and it means we don't have to get up in the dark and go to work in the dark forever, even though it feels like it.

I wish everyone a wonderful New Year, and hope you thoroughly enjoyed whatever other holidays you celebrate, if you celebrate any at all.


Unknown said...

Happy New Year, guys!

Amelia said...

Dude, she is SERIOUSLAH f-ed up, yo! She really just wants to make a she does.

Unknown said...

I thought that was an excellent flick. Anna Farris rocked:)

Amelia said...

I liked it, too. But May's pretty f-ed up, you guys!