Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Why is there going to be a reunion between Amy Fisher, Joey Buttafuco and his former wife Mary Jo?

That's right.

You probably remember them. Over a decade ago, then 16-year-old Amy had a sexual affair with much-older-and-married Joey. Amy shot Mary Jo in the face (someone was watching out for that woman, that's all I can say about that) and Amy spent some time in the pen.

They're hoping to televise their additional 30 seconds of fame.

They're past their 15 minutes. They're time is up.

Why do we care about this? Does anyone really give a shit?

Is it only in America that things like this happen?

You never hear about shit like this coming out of New Zealand.

Maybe Zel and I should emigrate.


t2ed said...

Shouldn't they be dancing or ice skating?

I won't be watching this shit. And if Mary Jo pulls out a gun and caps Amy, it'll be on the news anyway.

Josh Ramsey said...

horrid, sordid and tacky. and yet, if nothing is good on Bravo that night, who's to say there's a remote possibility my remote might migrate to the Fisher-fiasco channel ... I'll have the clams in a Buttafucco sauce thank-you ...