Sunday, August 06, 2006

Second Florida Woman Sues Bacardi Over Alleged 'Flaming Rum Shot' Injuries

“A bartender, who was not identified in either lawsuit, was pouring shots of Bacardi 151 when a customer lit a menu on fire and placed it in the stream of alcohol. The bottle that was being used to pour the shots turned into a flame thrower and sent flaming rum all over [the women], the lawsuit said.”

I’m sorry for the women, because the lawsuit states they suffered second and third degree burns. I’m empathetic, because I suffered a second degree burn, and I know what’s involved in treatment. It is horrific.

I’m also sorry because they feel it is better to sue Bacardi than the idiot who lit the menu on fire. Bacardi has deeper pockets than the idiot, so I suppose that’s the logic.

But, what I’m really sorry for is they are alleging “that Bacardi 151 proof rum ‘emits a high volume of combustible and explosive vapor’ which makes it ‘unreasonably dangerous’ and a ‘defective product.’”

Um…hello? Alcohol is flammable. It's been quite some years since I've had a drink, but don't people know to NOT LIGHT FLAMMABLE MATERIALS ON FIRE?!?! Maybe I'm naive.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think you hit the nail on the head. They're going to use the "it's supposed to be flammable, but not that flammable" argument. Clearly they are looking to get paid, not to find any sort of justice.

As an aside, I've noticed that 151 is very popular for flaming drinks these days. I just had one not too long ago. Of course, I was on vacation, so I excuse myself of the usual ridicule I would apply to one who would order a flaming drink ;)