Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Seen Around

In My Little Town, my local paper has this itty-bitty section called "Seen Around". It's where people contact the local paper and let them know what they've seen in the community. Each day, there's usually one. Sometimes, there are two.

For example:

"Sign on dental office parking lot: 'Dentists Only. Others Will Be Extracted.'"

"Deer prancing and drivers stopping. Deer bounds into woods."

I'm not kidding. I can't make this up.

In honor of Seen Around in my local paper, I'm starting my own version. However, it isn't likely to get into the local paper's Seen Around, since I may throw in my own commentaries on occasion.

So here we go:

Seen Around
Personalized state issued lisense plate: "LVDBYGD".

Good for them.

Do they know they're loved by God because W. told them?

Or maybe it was Pat Robertson?

They're the only two people I know of that are allowed to talk to God.

Do you think that if I were to go to the state and try to get a license plate that says: "LVDBYSATN" that I'd be able to put it on my car?

Probably not. Too many letters.

Maybe I could shorten it to "LVSATN".

Not that I do. I'm just sayin'.

Maybe I could get "WANNA69", 'cause I do. You know what I'm sayin'?

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