Saturday, November 19, 2005

Friday night at the bookstore

Every Friday night, Zel and I go out to dinner, and then we go to the bookstore. We've done this religiously for nearly 10 years now.

The local Bookstore Lady, who we've become friendly with and who is simply lovely, said that she recently purchased the new Cyndi Lauper CD, "The Body Acoustic" and that she really has been enjoying it.

Then we started talking about music from the 80's.

Naturally, I brought up INXS, and how totally hott Michael Hutchence was (so hott, he gets a second t).

And, out of the blue, in a very matter-of-fact tone of voice, the Bookstore Lady said, "I heard he didn't shower."

It was one of those really rare moments where I was stunned. Had absolutely nothing to say.

Zel was thrilled.

1 comment:

Josh Ramsey said...

when you are double "t" hot, you become bored with your hotness, and you try to see if your hotness can surpass the normal hurdles to hotness: you wear dippy librarian glasses, you don't wash your body or your hair, you fart in front of new acquantinces, all testing: how hot am I? Can a cauliflower fart destroy my hotness? Would this red sweater, previously the secret code for RETARDED, work for me?

The problem is, when normal people see hot people doing these things, and think they can appropriate these fashions. I had a friend who would try to look like Michelle Pfieffer in Frankie&Johnie, a movie when one of the world's white-hot ladies was trying to ug herself up as much as possible. "You are not Michelle Pfeiffer" my thought bubble would think, knowing I could not say that this is mode of dress is only allowed for the double "t" hott.