Wednesday, October 05, 2005

"New and Improved"

Why is it, that when we use a different lotion on our faces, or the brand of face cream decides to "new and improve" the lotion we've been dedicated to 10 years, our faces break out?

And who decided to "new and improve" the current lotion? The lotion I've been using works just fine, thank you. That's why I've beenusing it religiously.

The same thing happens with face wash. And make-up.

My mom said that the reason your face breaks out when you switch face lotion or face wash or make-up, whether by choice or by force, is because your face is going through a cleansing period. Your face needs to get used to the new product. She would know. She's a licensed cosmotologist.


Unknown said...

She's a licensed cosmotologist??? She can go into space? Dude... that's awesome!

Amelia said...

I know!!! It's totally tits, yo!