Sunday, August 26, 2007

New Project

We’re currently working really hard on a new project. Actually, we figure it’s an on-going project, and that it’ll take a while.

Zel and I are working really hard to not curse.

For those of you who know us, you know this is a major fucking challenge. We have mouths like a sailor and a trucker.

The reason we don’t want to curse any more is because of Baby Kaos. We’d really hate for him to be chatting with one of his Grandmothers on the phone and say, “Goddamnit, Grandma!” or “This toy is a piece of shit!” or “My room is a fucking disaster!”

One idea to help us not curse involves money. Usually, when Zel has to pay for something, he sits up and pays attention (no pun intended, but it’s funny all the same). The idea is that for each time we curse, we have to put a quarter in a jar and then whenever we have enough quarters, we’ll put the money into college saving account for Baby Kaos. We’ll probably have a decent amount of money in a couple of days. Honestly.

We tried to substitute other words for curse words. Like, fart or frick = fuck; shoot = shit; darn = damn. But that’s not working because it’s not us. We’re cursers.

Of course, we’re trying to approach the entire project with humor. There are some substitution words that are a bit funny that we’ve started using:

Malarkey. That’s a good word. As in, “That’s a bunch of malarkey, Grandma!”

Baloney. That’s an ok word. “This toy is a piece of baloney!”

But, Pimento Loaf is better, but only because pimento loaf is a nasty nasty thing. “My room is a pimento loafing disaster!”

So far, so good.

But, I think we’re going to go with “smurf”. I’m not smurfing kidding here.

Wish us luck, because we need all the smurfing luck we can get our hands on with this project.


Unknown said...

You're gonna have to keep us up to date on how this goes... I'll be going thru the same thing later :)

Amelia said...

Does this mean you guys are pregnant, you guys?!?!?

Unknown said...

Not yet, but we're filling out the forms ;)

Anonymous said...

You guys. Seriously. I really want to support you in this endeavor. But I don't know if we will understand each other if we don't curse. Do we even speak that language? The non-cursing language? Is that like Klingon? I think I'm in over my head here.