Saturday, April 15, 2006

Pregnancy Brain

I’ve officially come under the curse of Pregnancy Brain.

My female friends warned me about this. They said I’d get to the point where I can’t remember things.

I was just hoping I’d be in my 80’s when it hit. And then, I’d take a bid dose of Dr. Kevorkian and be done with it. (We do it to our pets, I don’t see why we can’t do it to ourselves; but that’s a blog for a different time.)

So, anyway, I’m giving my presentation at a National Conference last week. I’ve been working on this little project for four years. I gave this same presentation in October at a State Conference. It’s not like I don’t know my shit, yo.

Lost my thought. Mid-sentence, just lost my thought.

So, I said to my audience after I had a longer than normal pause in the middle of a sentence, “I’m sorry. I’m pregnant and my thought completely left my brain.” I even did a little hand gesture, where I touched my head and then pointed at an angle off to the right with my right hand. My very kind audience of about 50 people laughed. Several of them, both women and men, nodded.

Then, on my way home from the National Conference, I stopped at Babies “R” Us. Babies “R” Us is for the Expecting Woman and The Already Parents like what Disneyland is for 9 year olds. Or what a really good porn store is to Zel.

I was looking for a crib, changing table, and a chest/dresser. The furniture babe was fabulous. She answered all of my vast variety of questions with patience and a smile. I’m sure I asked her the same question more than once; perhaps even 12 times. Smile all the while. She understands. She deals with the Pregnant Brain for 40 hours/week while she’s at work. God bless her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, you guys. I can't remember anything no matter what.