Sunday, April 30, 2006

Friday Night at Dinner

Friday night on the way to dinner, a gallon of regular-unleaded gas was $2.94.

We go out to dinner every Friday night. We’ve done so for nearly 10 years. The only thing that prevents us from going to dinner on Friday nights is if one of us is sick or out of town.

I think that after the baby’s born, we’ll still be able to go to dinner. Zel thinks we’ll need to start doing take out on Friday nights.

So, we went to Chinese Friday night. While we were there, there was this couple, and she had just been released from the hospital. I could tell because she had a hospital bracelet on.

She also received three phone calls on her cell.

The first call came in while she and her gentleman friend (not sure if it was her brother or her lover or her husband or what, but there was a dude with her) were deciding what to eat. The waitress came over to take their order, and looked at him and said, “Are you ready?” And he looked at the lady with the hospital bracelet, and she shook her head. He looked at the waitress, and said, “Nope. Better come back.” The waitress said, “No problem,” and walked away.

The second call came before their food came. And the third call came while they were eating. Each time, she was on the call for several minutes, completely ignoring the other person she was with. She also told everyone that she just got out of the hospital.

What I don’t understand is:

  • why she still had her hospital bracelet on
  • why she received so many phone calls and told each person she was on the phone with that she was just released from the hospital
  • why she had to completely ignore the other person she was with while she was on the phone; she didn't ignore him otherwise
The only conclusion I can come up with is that she’s starved for attention.

I don’t feel like blessing her attention-starved heart. I’m too crabby right now to bless anyone’s heart.

Friday night on the way home from dinner, a gallon of regular-unleaded gas was $3.09.


Josh Ramsey said...

People who complain about gas prices are "whiners." Going to my favorite hyper-right-wing site today, that's what I learned. Whiners. People who participated in the "brown-out" the other day are "lazy." Yes, those people with three jobs, who risked everything to come here, and prolly risked something to march Monday -- they're "lazy."

Anonymous said...

You guys- why did she have her bracelet on? That makes me feel scared.