Monday, March 13, 2006

Chin Hair

Today, I had to meet with the person I'm required to meet with a couple of time a month, in a group setting, and this person has a way of making me want to poke her eyes out with my latte straws (even though I'm not drinking lattes any more!).

She has chin hair.

It's goddam foul.

I had to sit near her. I couldn't help but notice.

I'm not going to get too into it, because I'll start to gag. I'm serious.

I wanted to say, "Tweeze that shit, bitch!" But, I was with my supervisor, so I opted not to get a serious reprimand today.

I mean, how can one not notice that she has chin hair comin' out her chin!?!?

I can't talk about it anymore. I'll puke if I do.


Anonymous said...

Pin that bitch down and I'll tweeze that shit.

Amelia said...

That's what I'm talking about!!!!

t2ed said...

I saw this same phenomenon when I stopped at a random Coney Dog place in Detroit. But this woman had a beard. I was unable to eat after that.