Friday, August 26, 2005

My Idol, remembered

I've been inspired by Evie Kelley and the modern girl's action adventure guide and her recent post about Billy Idol. I was also completely enamored with Billy. The first time I saw him was in 1983's "White Wedding". I wanted to be the bride and have my finger cut when he put the ring on my finger when we got married. My little girlfriends and I joked that the blood from the bride was true love. And then "Rebel Yell" came out and I didn't even know what a rebel yell was, but I was willing to do whatever it was and cry "More! More! More!" if Billy were to make sweet love to me. On New Year's Eve, MTV was throwing their New Year's Eve Party and I was at home with Mom and Dad and I remember Billy performing "Rebel Yell" on MTV that night. And Mom asked Dad what a rebel yell was, so Dad gave her a rebel yell. And I thought, "Yep, I'd definitely do that for Billy." I was 11. And they say kids don't know about sex. Whatever.

Zel and I were talking about Billy Idol and how Billy's the coolest thing since vanilla ice cream and how, if given the opportunity today, knowing what I know about sex, I'd still love to make sweet love to Billy. And Zel said, "He's gay", which is his rebuttal for every dude I think is hott. So hott they get a second t.

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