Saturday, August 27, 2005

He really understands, even though people say, "he's just a dog"

So, last night, Zel and I are getting ready to go out to meet some friends for some kick ass Mexican food. It was about 4:45 pm, 15 minutes before Flof is scheduled to eat. And Zel and I were in our bedroom, which is in the back of the house and I said, "do you think we should feed Flof (Four Legs of Fun) before we go or after we get back?" And Zel said, "well...." And I said, "we'll probably be gone for a few hours." And Zel said, "yeah...." And then, there was this whine from the living room, which is in the front of the house. It was Flof saying, "you guys! you need to feed me before you go, you guys!" And so Flof was fed before we left. Sweet Jesus that dog! He understands English, even though people say, "he's just a dog". He's not just a dog. He's the smartest goddamned German Shepherd in the world.

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