Saturday, September 23, 2006

so glad I don't have to do that

I'm sitting at my computer, and a robin out my window caught my eye. She's picking up worms, and will take them back to her baby robins to feed them.

I'm so glad I don't have to do that to feed Baby Kaos. Forage for worms, partially digest them, and then spit them back up into my baby's mouth.

I know it's part of her species. That's how they survive, and that's fine.

But, really, boobs are a great thing.


t2ed said...

Actually, even without the nursing, they're still pretty great.

One of my favorite Far Side cartoon is the Mother Bird trying to talk on the phone while he kids want food. "Will you kids shut up! I'll regurgitate something later."

Anonymous said...

your boobs are especially great.