Tuesday, September 19, 2006

He’s Finally Here!

Baby Kaos has finally decided to make his entry into the world! Zel and I decided he takes after his mother and his Auntie Melanie, since he was late to his own party. Baby Kaos was born 14 days late, on September 10th at 2:11 p.m. His birth weight was 8 lbs even, and he measured up at 21.5 inches long.

The entire labor lasted about 13 hours. I did everything naturally, and only said, “This fucking hurts, you guys,” one time. I didn’t request drugs and I only said I couldn’t do it once, about 90 minutes into the two hours of pushing I did. I was pretty quiet throughout the entire labor and delivery. Our doula described me as being stoic, which is a nice compliment in this situation.

I have to give credit to the birth team: Our doula; two nurses, one of which is the mother of our doula (and it was very cool!), our doctor, and of course, Zel, who didn’t leave my side during the entire ordeal.

I ended up having to be on oxygen for the last half of pushing, because Baby Kaos’ heart rate was dropping a bit. I also had an episiotomy, because let’s face it, fitting an 8 pound baby through my 5’2” frame was a bit tight. Besides, I’ve been telling Zel I have the tightest pussy around for years, and now I have scientific proof.

The doc ended up vacuuming Baby Kaos at the very end. The doc said I did 99% of the work and just needed a bit of help to get Baby K out.

I also lost about 20 ounces of blood due to hemorrhaging. It makes me thankful and incredibly upset for all the women who have experienced massive blood loss during labor and delivery. It also makes me thankful that I have a great doctor who was able to get the bleeding to stop. I recognize that if I would’ve been picking apples and delivered this kid in the middle of an orchard, I would’ve died. The doc is 2- 0 when it comes to saving lives in our family. If he moves, we're moving to where he moves.

Baby Kaos and I are both healthy. He's great at eating, pooping, and sleeping.

I’m a bit sore, but that’s to be expected. He’s worth every stitch.


t2ed said...


It was also very convenient of you to deliver him completely trussed up like that. That had to cut down on the muss and fuss.

Anonymous said...

I love Baby Kaos. He is just a little muffin. I want to just cuddle him up and carry him around on my back in a little papoose.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations you guys - I've been checking your blog all week for the good news. I think he's beautiful.


Anonymous said...

You guys, of course Zel didn't leave your side. If he did, I'd be like, when did he start doing crack? I just don't see him saying something like, "Ok, I'm gonna take lunch, see you in 30." That's not like him. And then I would stop speaking to him, but only after I said some shit like "What the fuck is wrong with you, muthafuckah?"

Amelia said...

Thank you everyone! We're so excited about Baby Kaos!

Mel, Zel said, "Why are you having a hypothetical conversation?"

Amelia said...

Holly! Glad you're alive! ;-) We were getting worried about you!