Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I've not been posting because I've been Facebooking. It's addictive, but not like crack, yo.

So, in Facebook (FB) they have this question, "What's on your mind?" and a box for you to fill in whatever you want. The other day I talked about my brilliance (I've been craving chocolate chip cookies, so I made a batch, baked ~12 and individually froze the remaining batter. Then, when I want a cookie, I can bake it up fresh. Hence, I'm brilliant!) Yesterday I mentioned that I was tuckered out from watching Toddler Kaos play with two of his friends (yes, simply WATCHING two toddlers and a pre-schooler play is exhausting!).

I'm using my real name on FB, and yes, I know all of my friends. I only have 50. I know people have hundreds, and I call them FB sluts.

I'm starting a new segment here on (NS)O&M called "Not on Facebook" and I will post things such as the following:

Amelia Kaos has not had the opportunity to brush her teeth today and her mouth feels like a bag of assholes.

So, there you have it. The new "Not of Facebook" segment of (NS)O&M. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Luis likes this *thumbs up* :)