Thursday, August 31, 2006

Comment of the Day, August 31, 2006

I just got off the phone with Zel’s Mom.

She wanted the latest report. She’s excited. She’s also worried, since Baby Kaos is late. Both Zel and his brother were early. I guess having a baby go past term is a new thing for her.

I told her there’s been no change; nothing to report. We’re selective with what we tell the parents because both sets go into panic mode at the slightest change in the weather.

She and Dad and Zel’s Grandmother are coming up on September 14th.

Mom said to me, “Does the doctor think the baby will be here by the 14th?”

I can’t make this shit up.

Mind you, that would be 2 and 1/2 weeks late. We’ve already discussed with the doc that if nothing is happening by the end of next week, he’s going to induce me, which is fine, just fine.

I said, “Oh yeah. The doctor isn’t going to let me go that long.”

Even though she can put it together about being induced, I stayed mute about it. I didn’t want to hear about how Zel’s brother was induced. “They had to bring him,” she’s told me. I don’t need to really hear about this for the 12th time, you know what I’m sayin’?

I didn’t get into the fact that if a baby is in the uterus too long that the amniotic fluid starts to decrease and that can be harmful to the baby.

I know she means well and is excited about the baby. I told her we’d call her when something happens.

She also said, "Do they know how big the baby is?"

Honestly. I can't make this shit up.

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